Program PCNet23

RoomSeminarraum SR 3
9:00 – 9:15OPENING
9:15 – 10:15Eckehard Olbrich (keynote)
10:15- 10:30Short dabate: Computational social science of the post-Twitter era
10:30 – 11:00Break
11:00 – 11:25Jose M. Reis (invited)
11:25 – 11:50Marta Cambronero Garbajosa (invited)
11:50 – 12:15Lília Perfeito (invited)
12:15 – 12:30Closing remarks
17:50 – 18:00FINAL REMARKS

Speaker (keynote): Eckehard Olbrich

Title: Analyzing the networked public sphere on Twitter

Authors: E. Olbrich, F. Gaisbauer, A. Pournaki and . Banisch

Speaker (intived): Lília Perfeito

Title: A Computational Approach to Inferring Party Positions from Manifestos, Discourses, and Votes

Authors: L. Perfeito, P. Almeida, M. Pita, S. Serra da Silva, and J. Gonçalves-Sá

Speaker (invited): Marta Cambronero Garbajosa

Title: Observing anti-hate speech tactics on Twitter through Social Network Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis

Authors: M. Cambronero Garbajosa, A. Calleja-López and E. Cozzo

Speaker (intived): J. Gonçalves-Sá

Title: How to control for biases we do not know we have?

Authors: ́Jose M. Reis, Iris Damiao ̃, and J. Gonçalves-Sá

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